Friday, March 18, 2011

The weight of the world according to Strap

Just a short one.....

Today, after my trip into town, I parked my wonderful little blue convertible in the car shed, and opening the door to the the backyard, Jock met me with a grin and waited for his attention cuddle and head and ear rub.  I usually also grab his snout and play a game with him. 

"Have you been a good boy, Jockie?", I'll say gently shaking his snout.  He'll stand there and put his wet nose back into my hand.  "What!  You have been?"  He'll grin at me and nudge me with his nose again..."Go get'em boy!", I'll say and he jumps and runs ahead of me - trying to act like a puppy again--It's just a thing we do.....

Strap normally joins in and wants to play with his soccer ball, and will drop it at anyone's feet, just for a chance to have them kick it, so that he can chase it.  But today was different.  If Strap had been a girl, I would have said that he was having PMS--but being a boy---he must have just been very tired or full of too many dog worries....

He was laying at the side of the back door, his head resting on his favourite stone (I know, sounds strange - but he likes it), and he just couldn't bring himself to have any enthusiasm.  I asked him if he was going to get up to say hello, but he just gave me one of those sad, please know I am having a bad day looks, and rolled onto his back and raised his front paw.  I shook it, saying "Oh, Strappy!  I hope you feel better soon!"

He accepted my hand/paw shake and continued to lay like that until I went into the house. I think he was hoping for a bit more sympathy--our Strappy is good at that.

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